Call for individual, couple, and family therapy.



Counseling & Psychotherapy 

Oakwood Center


Therapy in Westchester County, NY

The Oakwood Center was established in
White Plains in 1977 serving
Westchester County, New York.

We can help you by providing an
experienced and skilled therapist.

Therapy in Northern Westchester, NY

Oakwood Center has a second office in
 Pound Ridge, New York

Individual and Couple Therapy

The Oakwood Center provides individual therapy and couple therapy. Over the years many adults, adolescents and children have sought help and have been successfully treated by our staff of experienced therapists. Married and unmarried couples have been helped with a variety of problems: these include arguments, anger, abusive behavior, infidelity, sexual problems, poor communication and conflict resolution skills, and threats of separation and divorce.

Individual Therapy

Many individuals seek therapy because of worries about different aspects of their lives that are affecting them adversely. They may be concerned about difficulties at work, school or business and relationships. They may feel anxious, sad or depressed regarding any number of problems, such as loss of a partner, wife or husband, trauma, alcohol and substance abuse, or other addictions. They may be concerned about their own irrational behavior, or the irrational or difficult behavior of a family member, friend or coworker. Sometimes anger is a major problem for individuals and treatment for anger management can be helpful.

Therapy for Children

Children and adolescents are often troubled by a variety of problems for which parents may seek help. Many problems become evident in the course of school. A child or adolescent may have difficulty paying attention in class, forget or avoid homework, not study for exams, unduly procrastinate, or act up in inappropriate ways in class. These behaviors may be due to different causes and can often be treated successfully in psychotherapy.

Family Therapy

Children and adolescents can exhibit bouts of anger and even rage or destructive behavior, which can be aimed at siblings, parents, friends or others. Parents may feel overwhelmed, frightened and concerned about their child’s angry and/ or impulsive behavior and feel at a loss as how to deal with it. A consultation with a therapist is helpful in such instances. Often therapy for the child or adolescent, as well as parent counseling is helpful. Children and adolescents may become involved with substances and require specialized substance abuse treatment, individual therapy and family therapy.

Children with Anxiety - Depression

Just as adults can become anxious and depressed, so can children and adolescents. This can be manifested by such symptoms as sleep problems, withdrawal, sadness and irritability, and can often go unrecognized as anxiety or depression. Young children and latency age children are usually treated in play therapy, while older children and adolescents are treated in talk therapy.


Anger Management

We help people who lose control of their anger learn to recognize, tolerate, and express their anger in an appropriate manner, at an appropriate time, with the appropriate person, to an appropriate degree.

People who have problems with explosive anger are often so frightened of loss of control over their anger that they suppress and repress even subtle forms of anger, such as frustration and mild annoyance. They clamp a lid on the proverbial boiling kettle, allowing internal pressure to build and build. Eventually, some relatively small trigger leads to a full-blown explosion – harming their relationships and further frightening themselves.

Additional Services

In addition to providing Therapy and Counseling
Oakwood Center offers

 Mediation Services
and Alcoholism Interventions
 (see detailed descriptions on our website)


Counseling and Therapy
Westchester County
and the greater New York Area.

Therapy in White Plains and Pound Ridge
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